For over eight years, Dirt Hugger has collaborated with local orchard and vineyard managers to identify and practice the most effective compost application methods. Depending on your soil type we can pre-blend lime, gypsum or other amendments into the compost so it can all go down in one pass.
Compost Application:
+ Increases the yield of valuable fruit – we’ve seen up to a 25% increase with a 12 cu yard / acre application + Adds Organic Matter + Buffers soil pH + Aids the proliferation of soil microbes – bacterial and fungal
+ Adds plant available nutrients on a slow release basis – up to three years + Improves Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) – allows plants to more effectively utilize nutrients
+ Improves moisture holding capacity of light soils – reducing irrigation needs, water loss and nutrient leaching
Kuhn Knight 8110 spreader
+ Ideal for Orchard Rows
+ Single side discharge spreader
+ Dual augurs to prevent bridging of wet material
+ Width (w/ deflector open) = 95"
+ Capacity: 5 cu yards heaped, 8500lb payload
+ PTO-Driven with a 55 hp tractor requirement
+ Average Application Rate ≈ 15 - 20 yds / hour
Mill Creek Row Mulcher
+ Perfect for Vineyard Use
+ Single side discharge spreader
+ Narrow profile: 62” Wide
+ 3.5 cubic yard capacity
+ PTO-Driven with a 30 hp tractor
+ Average Application ≈ 10 - 15 yds / hour